Platform SDK: Fax Services

Fax Routing Extension Functions

The Fax Routing Extension API includes the following functions and callback functions.

Each fax routing extension must export the following functions.

Function Description
FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification Notifies a fax routing extension DLL that a fax device has been removed from the fax server, or that a new fax device has been installed.
FaxRouteDeviceEnable Enables a fax routing extension DLL to query, enable, or disable a fax routing method for a specific fax device.
FaxRouteGetRoutingInfo Queries the fax routing extension for routing configuration data for a specific fax device.
FaxRouteInitialize Initializes the communication between the fax service and the fax routing extension.
FaxRouteMethod Executes a fax routing procedure defined by the fax routing extension DLL. FaxRouteMethod is a placeholder for a function name defined by the routing extension.
FaxRouteSetRoutingInfo Modifies routing configuration data for a specific fax device.

The following callback function name is a placeholder for a function defined by the fax routing extension.

Callback Function Description
FaxRouteEnumFile Receives the fully qualified path and name of one file in the file list associated with a received fax document. The fax service calls FaxRouteEnumFile once for each file in the file list.

The FaxRouteEnumFiles callback function passes a pointer to FaxRouteEnumFile.

The fax service provides the following callback functions to manage the files in the fax file list associated with a received fax document.

Callback Function Description
FaxRouteAddFile Adds a file to the file list associated with a received fax document.
FaxRouteDeleteFile Deletes a file from the file list associated with a received fax document.
FaxRouteEnumFiles Enumerates the files in the file list associated with a received fax document. FaxRouteEnumFiles passes a pointer to the extension-defined FaxRouteEnumFile callback function.
FaxRouteGetFile Retrieves the file name of a specific file from the file list associated with a received fax document.
FaxRouteModifyRoutingData Modifies the routing data for a fax routing method that has a lower priority than the calling method.