Mobile Channels Scripting Object

MobileChannels.Utilities is a pseudoobject in the Mobile Channels scripting environment that provides support for navigation and manipulation of objects within a Channel Definition Format (CDF) file. The Utilities object provides a number of methods for Mobile Channels scripting. These methods are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
Data Reads a block of data from a data item
Debug Emits debug output to aid script development
Href Returns an element’s HREF
HrefExists Returns 1 if an item exists in the cache
IsSubscribed Returns subscribed state of a channel or subchannel
IsUnread Returns read or unread state of an item, channel, or subchannel
LibraryCall Accesses a dynamic-link library (DLL) special function
Locate Jump to a specified identifier within the CDF file
Navigate Traverses a CDF file
Tag Returns the tag of an element in a CDF file
Title Returns an element’s title
Type Returns the type as specified in the ITEMFORMAT tag
Value Returns the value of an element in a CDF file

The following code example shows how, in order to use these methods, the Utilities object must first be instantiated using the SET statement.

Set MC = Server.Create("MobileChannels.Utilities")

Hereafter, MC is used as shorthand for the MobileChannels.Utilities scripting object; however, the object may be assigned to any variable name.

This section covers the following topics: