Channel Browser and Active Desktop HTML Extensions

Using several HTML extensions allows you to write advanced scripts for Active Desktop and to control page updates in Channel Browser.

The Active Desktop for a Windows CE-based device supports a special HREF for launching an application from a hyperlink. The form is as follows:

<A HREF="mcexe://[appname]">Launch Text</A>

The appname parameter is the name of the application to be launched when the link is clicked.

The application must have been registered by placing a value of the same name as the executable file (.exe) in the registry at \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Mobile Channels\Components.

Channel Browser and the device’s Active Desktop recognize the following special META tags. Embedding these META tags in the header of a page, either directly or through scripting, cause the page to be automatically handled or updated in a particular manner. These META tags — with the exception of Refresh — are ignored by Internet Explorer 4.0.

The META tags are summarized in the following table, proceeded by a detailed discussion of each.

HTTP-EQUIV value Description Support
Notify Catch cache or database updates. Active Desktop, Channel Browser
Refresh Reload after a specified time interval. Active Desktop
LaunchApp Execute application for desktop component. Active Desktop
Autosize Control image scaling. Channel Browser

Value Meaning
Dbname Name of the database to monitor for updates.
WatchUrl URL of the item to monitor for cache updates.
RefreshUrl URL to load if an update is detected.

Value Meaning
secs Sets the number of seconds until the page is reloaded.
RefreshUrl URL to load after the specified interval.

Value Meaning
appname Name of the executable to launch.
params Optional comma-separated list of params to be passed to the application upon invocation. The application must have been registered by placing a value of the same name as the .exe in the registry at \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Mobile Channels\Components.