Access Workflow Designer Tools

See Also

In addition to the server infrastructure, Access Workflow Designer contains two sets of tools: development tools and administration tools. These tools help you create, view, and edit workflow processes, script, permissions, and other team solution functionality.

For information about finding specific tools, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools. For information about the wizards available, see The Access Workflow Designer Wizards.

Administration Tools

The Team Solutions Manager makes it possible for you to manage your existing team solutions, create and manage templates, and create new team solutions based on templates or existing SQL Server database.

Once a team template has been created using the wizards, it is automatically added to the template directory in the modSystem database. Then, multiple instances of your solution can be created from the team template. Each copy you create will have its own database and Web site. In addition, a team template can be saved to a file and imported into another server's template directory.

For more information, see The Team Solutions Manager.

Development Tools

The Access Workflow Designer contains the tools and wizards that make it possible for developers to add the core workflow, security, and offline publications features to a team solution. Before adding these core features, the database must be registered as a team solution.

When you launch the Access Workflow Designer, it requests a server name and the name of a database. If you select a database that is not yet registered as a team solution, the Database Registration wizard appears to register the database, and, once the database is registered, the Access Workflow Designer opens.

For more information, see The Access Workflow Designer.