Offline Replication

See Also

Access Workflow Designer provides fully integrated support for offline usage and serves as a single interface making it possible for a user to synchronize the SQL Server database and the team solution Web pages using Internet Explorer.

A user can take the team solution (and the associated data) offline using the client components and the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) as the local data store. For information about setting up an end user's computer, see Setting Up the End-User Client Computer. The users can work with the data just as they would online, reconnect, and merge changes back into the master team solution. While offline, security and workflow rules continue to be enforced. The offline synchronization component of Access Workflow Designer manages replication and synchronization of data; it also provides mechanisms for conflict resolution.

A team solution developer can create one or more offline publications that define subsets of solution data to replicate. A publication defines the filters on the solution data — for example, including only rows at a particular workflow state or only items assigned to a particular user. The publication also controls whether a solution can be taken offline and if it can, what database roles are allowed to do this.

When the user chooses to take the team solution offline, a subscription to the solution is created on the user's computer. Then, the solution data is replicated as defined by the publication. The replication includes the system objects that store and enforce the workflow and security rules.

When the user reconnects to the solution on the server, the user can synchronize the two sets of data. If there are any conflicts (for example, if more than one user has made changes to a given row), the user is given a chance to merge, overwrite, or cancel the changes. A developer can also establish conflict management rules — for example, always merging changes when a conflict exists.