The Team Solutions Manager

See Also

The Team Solutions Manager is an administration tool that makes it possible for you to manage your existing team solutions, view and manage templates, create and synchronize user directory information, and create new team solutions based on templates or existing SQL Server databases.

For information about finding specific tools, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

There are three tabs in the Team Solutions Manager: Team Solutions, Templates, and User Information.

Solutions Tab

The Team Solutions tab lists all team solutions currently available on the designated server. From this tab, you can also create a new team solution from a template, launch the Access Workflow Designer, view the properties for the currently selected solutions, or delete the currently selected solution.

Templates Tab

A team template is the blueprint for a team solution, containing the database schema, permissions, roles, workflow rules, Web files, and offline publications.

Once a team template has been created using the Team Template wizard, it is registered in the modSystem database, and it is displayed on the Templates tab of the Team Solutions Manager. Multiple instances of your team solution can be created from a template. Each copy you create will have its own database and Web site.

A team template can also be saved to a file and imported into another server's template directory.

User Information Tab

The user directory is based on the Windows NT domain users and groups and stores additional data for each user. If you also are using Microsoft Exchange Server, then this additional information can be automatically synchronized from your Exchange directory.

The User Information tab provides a means to identify the Exchange Server name and also set up a synchronization schedule. Once the user directory has been synchronized the user information is displayed on this tab as well. If you are not using Exchange Server, additional user information can be entered here manually.

Only a system administrator can change user information and specify a synchronization schedule. If you do not have system administrator privileges, the Synchronize button on this tab is disabled.