Team Solution Options

See Also

When the top database node is selected in the Object List, general information about the solution is displayed in the right pane of the Access Workflow Designer. In addition to setting the team solution name, description, and Web URL, this pane is used to install offline replication components.

For information about finding specific tools, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

General Tab

The General tab displays the solution's registration information, including the solution name, description, and Web URL. The information displayed is based on the information that was entered during the registration of the database by the New Team Solutions wizard.

You can modify this information, however. If you wish to change the Web URL, you must first physically recreate the Web using FrontPage or another Web authoring package. Once the new team Web is created, you can update the location on the General tab.

Note   If end users have already created subscriptions to any offline publications, synchronization will not function correctly if you move the team Web.

Offline Tab

Access Workflow Designer tools make it possible for you to add, remove, and modify offline publications. An offline publication is a definition of all of the objects a user can subscribe to offline. It consists of a SQL Server merge publication and additional information stored in the solution database's system tables.

Offline support makes it possible for a copy of a team solution to be stored and used on a local computer that is disconnected from the network. Before you can make it possible for users to work offline, you must install and enable offline replication for your database and decide how synchronization is handled when the user returns online.

Note   If your team solution has existing offline publications, you must recreate the publications after making schema changes. For more information, see Modifying an Offline Publication in the Access Workflow Designer Developer's Guide.