Managing Team Templates

See Also

A team template contains all of the information necessary to create a team solution on a server. Templates are stored in the template directory, which is a registry of templates for the server stored a table in the modSystem database.

Templates are created using the Access Workflow Designer. For more information about creating new templates, see "Creating a Team Template" in the Developer’s Guide.

Using the Team Solutions Manager, you can install a new template from a file, delete or rename an existing template, and export a template to a file. In addition, once a template is stored on the server in the template directory, it can be used to create new instances of the solution on the server. For more information about creating new solution, see Creating New Solutions from a Template.

Microsoft Office Developer contains an Issue Tracking solution in the template directory. You can customize this template to create your own solution templates and store them in the template directory.

To manage solution templates

  1. Start the Team Solutions Manager. For more information about launching the Team Solutions Manager, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

  2. On the Templates tab, select the option for the task you would like to perform.
    To Do
    Add a new template file to the template directory Click Import from File. Browse to the location of the file, and click OK.
    Create a template file in a different location Select a template from the list, and click Export to File. Browse to the location where you want to save the file, enter a file name, and click OK.
    Remove a template from the server Select a template from the list, and click Delete.
    Rename a template Select a template from the list, and click Properties. Enter a new title for the template, and click OK.