Team Solutions Tab (Team Solutions Manager)

See Also

Lists all team solutions currently available on the designated server. From this tab, you can also create a new team solution from a template, launch the Access Workflow Designer, view the properties for the currently selected solutions, or delete the currently selected solution.


Server list

Displays a list of SQL Servers in the local Windows NT domain. You can select or type the name of a server and click Refresh to view team solutions, solution templates, and user information on that server. The server must have the Access Workflow Designer server components installed to use this administration tool.

Note   If you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, you must type the name of a valid server and click Refresh.


Connects to the selected server and retrieves information about team solutions, solution templates, and user information.

Solutions list

Lists the team solutions available on the selected server, the SQL Server database name, and the URL to each solution's Web site. This information is stored in the modSystem database and entered when the solution is registered on the server. To edit a solution's title, click Properties, and type a new title. For details, see Solution Properties Dialog Box.

New Solution

Opens the New Team Solution wizard where you can create a new team solution on the specified server. For details, see Creating New Solutions from a Template.

Design Workflow

Opens the selected team solution in the Access Workflow Designer where you can design the solution's workflow, offline replication, and row-level security.

Note   To open a solution in the Access Workflow Designer, you must have database owner permissions for the solution database. By default, the person who created the solution using the New Team Solutions wizard is the database owner.


Displays the Solution Properties Dialog Box where you can edit the solution's title. Most team solutions, such as those based on the Issue Tracking template, use this title as a banner in the HTML pages.

Note   Only members of the modAppOwners group can change the solution title. For details, see Security Categories in Access Workflow Designer.


Deletes the selected solution, including its database and Web site, from the server. For details, see Deleting a Team Solution from the Server.

Note   You must be a member of the modAppOwners group and have database owner permissions for the solution database to delete the solution. For details, see Security Categories in Access Workflow Designer.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Working with team solutions on the server Managing Team Solutions
Creating new solutions on the server from a template Creating New Solutions from a Template
Importing and exporting templates to make them available on the server Managing Team Templates
Adding users and managing user permissions for team solutions Managing Users and Roles
Configuring the server with Access Workflow Designer server components Setting up the Server