Team Solutions Manager

See Also

The Team Solutions Manager is an administration tool that makes it possible for you to manage your existing team solutions, view and manage templates, create and synchronize user directory information, and create new team solutions based on templates or existing SQL Server databases.

For information about finding specific tools, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

Note   Many tasks that rely on the Team Solutions Manager require appropriate permissions. For example, to edit user information, you must have server administrator permissions. Therefore, if certain buttons are disabled in the Team Solutions Manager, you do not have the necessary permissions to perform those tasks. For more information about permissions in the Access Workflow Designer, see Security Categories in Access Workflow Designer.

There are three tabs in the Team Solutions Manager: Team Solutions, Templates, and User Information.


Server list

Displays a list of SQL Servers in the local Microsoft Windows NT® domain. You can select or type the name of a server and click Refresh to view team solutions, solution templates, and user information on that server. To use this administration tool, the server must have the Access Workflow Designer server components installed.

Note   If you are using Microsoft Windows® 95 or Windows 98, you must type the name of a valid server and click Refresh.


Connects to the selected server and retrieves information about team solutions, solution templates, and user information.

Team Solutions tab

Displays a list of team solutions available on the selected SQL Server. You can create a new solution, open the Access Workflow Designer to design workflow and offline support for the solution, edit the selected solution's registration properties, and delete a selected solution from the server. For details, see Team Solutions tab.

Templates tab

Displays a list of the solution templates available on the selected server. You can import and export templates, edit template properties, and delete selected templates from the server. For details, see Templates tab.

User Information tab

Displays the contents of the user directory, which is a list of users who have access to team solutions on the selected server. You can edit information about selected users, configure the synchronization schedule and the Microsoft Exchange Server to obtain directory information from, and start a synchronization cycle.

Note   You cannot add or delete users from the User Information tab. To modify the user directory, use the Access Workflow Designer.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Working with team solutions on the server Managing Team Solutions
Creating new solutions on the server from a template Creating New Solutions from a Template
Importing and exporting templates to make them available on the server Managing Team Templates
Adding users and managing user permissions for team solutions Managing Users and Roles
Configuring the server with Access Workflow Designer server components Setting up the Server