Team templates make it easy to share and distribute the solutions you create. For example, an expense reporting solution created for your main office could easily be distributed as a template to branch officers. Then, each branch can create an instance of the solution as-is or modify it as necessary.
Each team template contains all of the information required to create a complete team solution, including the database schema, workflow rules, lookup tables, forms, and views.
Note The team template also stores information about the configuration settings for the SQL Server on which it was created. When developing your templates, be sure to use the same server configuration as the server from which the template will be deployed.
To create a team solution based on a template
Note When the Access Workflow Designer server components are installed, the Issue Tracking template is installed as well.
Note Although you can include spaces in your database name and Web URL, it is strongly recommended you avoid including spaces in these object names.
Note Database roles can be changed or added using the Database Users and Roles feature in Access 2000. For more information, see Creating Database Roles.
Note An Access project (*.adp) file is the preferred environment for creating the solution user interface using data access pages. The database project also contains a toolbar where you can easily launch the Access Workflow Designer tools.
When you click Finish, the wizard uses the information you supplied and the information in the template to create a new SQL Server database and a Web site on the server you specified. This process may take a few minutes.
Note If the team solution contains offline publications, you can use the SQL Server Enterprise Manager Replication Monitor to verify that the publications were initialized properly. It is also recommended that you monitor the performance of your publications after the solution has been created. If users report problems with the publication, the Replication Monitor can help troubleshoot the issues.
The team solution will be ready to use as-is, or you can use the Access Workflow Designer to modify the solution. For more information about the steps involved in adding workflow features to your solution, see Developing a Team Solution.
To create a New SQL Server Login using the New Team Solutions wizard
To search for user names to add, in the List names from domain box, specify a domain name, and select Refresh.
The Available names box is populated with existing groups. To include users, select the Show all users option.
Note The new SQL group or user must have a valid Microsoft Windows NTŪ domain account. If you add a SQL user who does not have a valid Windows NT account, creation of the team solution will fail.