Debugging Script in the Workflow Designer

See Also

Debugging server-side script can be a challenge. Usually with VBScript, you can use functions, such as msgbox, to determine the status of script variables during debugging. Because server script cannot display user information, you cannot take advantage of such features. To overcome this, Access Workflow Designer provides the Logger object.

The Logger object has two methods, PrintString and PrintObject, that append output to the Workflow Log (modwfe.log) that can be found in the Windows directory on the server. You can use these methods to print out debugging information.

Important   Because the modwfe.log file is stored on the server, developers wanting to use the Logger object must have access to the file. The server administrator can share the file or directory to make it possible for you access to the log file. Members of the modAppOwners group do not have permissions to this file by default.

For additional tips on debugging, visit the Microsoft Office Developer Web site at Look in the Technical Resources area for articles about writing and debugging workflow script and using server-side ActiveX controls and Visual Basic to debug complex scripts.