Installing Offline Support for the Team Solution

See Also

Before you can make it possible for users to work offline, you must install and enable offline replication for your team solution. Installing offline replication capabilities modifies your solution database schema with the infrastructure required to make it possible for database replication.

In addition to installing offline support, you must decide how synchronization will be transacted, how users will resolve conflicts, and whether to enable identity partitioning. Then, you can create your offline publications for the team solution.

Using the Access Workflow Designer, you can install offline replication quickly. After installation, your database has all of the tables, triggers, and stored procedures required to support offline replication and synchronization.

To install offline replication capabilities

  1. Open the Access Workflow Designer. For details, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

  2. From the Access Workflow Designer, select the team solution in the Object List.

  3. In the Solution Properties pane, select the Offline tab.

  4. Click Install Offline Replication Components. This may take a few moments.

  5. When installation is completed, you are prompted to create an offline publication. Click Yes to create a publication. For details, see Creating an Offline Publication.

When the offline replication components have been installed, you can set additional publication options for your team solution, including:

For an example of how to implement offline support, see Offline Support in the Issue Tracking Solution.

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