Error Messages

See Also

This topic contains information about some of the more common error messages in the following areas:

For additional information, see Troubleshooting and Finding Information.

Server Errors

Fpsrvadm.exe Error During Server Setup

Unable to verify that FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions are setup and working properly. Please set up FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions manually.

The FrontPage server extensions have not been configured properly on your computer.

To set up the FrontPage Server Extensions manually

  1. From the Start menu, select Run.

  2. Copy or type the following (including the quotation marks):
    "c:\program files\common files\Microsoft shared\Web server extensions\40\bin\fpsrvadm.exe" -o install -t msiis -w "" -p 80 -multihost ""
  3. Click OK.

This reregisters FrontPage server extensions and re-creates the root Web site.

After setting up the server extensions, try installing Access Workflow Designer for SQL Server again. For more information, see Installation and Setup.

SQL Publication Error

Error: (0x800436D2) [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] The publication name (@publication) cannot be the keyword '<keyword>.'

Access Workflow Designer was unable to create the offline publication. It is possible you used a SQL reserved word in the name of your publication. Generally, it is recommended you not use any SQL reserved words for object naming.

To solve this problem

Web Folder Error

Web folder does not exist.

The Server Extensions Web folders used with team solutions must have the Windows NT Challenge/Response option enabled. If you use a Server Extensions Web folder that has this option disabled, when you try to register your team solution, this error message appears indicating that the Web folder does not exist.

To solve this problem

Database Errors

User Permissions Error

User does not have permissions to manage this database.

If you select a database on the Team Solutions tab of Team Solutions Manager for which you do not have database owner (db_owner) privileges and click Manage Database, you receive this error message. This message opens the Connect to Database dialog box. However, you will not be able to connect to the database until you have the appropriate permissions.

To solve this problem

Workflow Errors

Unknown Name Error in Workflow Script

Unknown name

If your workflow script produces this error, it is possible the function name and script code do not match. For example, the error occurs if the action value is "OnUpdate_0," but the associated function in the script block is "Sub OnUpdate_1 end sub." When the names are different, the scripting engine cannot find the function entry point in the script block. Verify that your names and script procedures match.

To solve this problem

For more information, see the Naming Script Procedures topic in the Scripting Workflow Actions section for more information.

Template Errors

Invalid Template Name Error

Invalid template name: <name>. A template with that name already exists. Choose a different name, and try again. Would you like to overwrite the template?

When you try to save a team solution as a template and the operation fails, the template may not be removed from the database and may still be displayed in the Team Solutions Manager.

If the template does not function properly, you can remove it from the template directory. If you cannot delete a template using the Team Solutions Manager, you can remove the template information manually using SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

To remove a template using the Team Solutions Manager

  1. In the Team Solutions Manger, click the Templates tab.

  2. On the Templates tab, select the template in the list, and click Delete to remove the template.

To remove a template manually using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager

  1. In the Enterprise Manager, expand the Databases node.

  2. Expand modSystem database node, and select the Tables node.

  3. Right-click the <templatename>template table, and select DropAll.

  4. Open the modTemplates table, and delete the row in which the template name is displayed in the Name column.

Data/Time Format Error

When users enter dates in team solutions, they must ensure the date format they are using (for example, 0/0/00 or 0.0.00) matches the Regional Settings date and time settings in the Control Panel. If so, the following data entry formats are handled correctly: . , / and -.

Row-Level Permissions Error

When users assign row-level permissions for records in a team solution, they must specify a role with at least Browse, Edit, and Delete permissions. Otherwise, no one will be able to see the row. For more information, see Defining Permissions for Database Roles.

User Directory Synchronization Errors

Failed to Connect to UserList Error

Failed to create component UserList.Connect
Access is denied.

If user directory synchronization fails with an error indicating that access is denied to the UserList.Connect component, you must add permissions to this component manually using the DCOMCNFG utility.

To solve this problem

  1. On the server, run DCOMCNFG at the command prompt. Type DCOMCNFG on the command line, and accept the defaults to any initial prompts.

  2. On the Default Security tab, under Default Access Permissions, select Edit Default.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the Add Names field, enter the name of the administrative user in the form domain\username.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog boxes.

  6. Restart the server.

Synchronization Error for One or More Users

User information synchronized with the following errors:
One or more users could not be synchronized with the Exchange Server 'servername' Please check the Application log for details.

If you receive this error when you synchronize the user directory, it is usually because not all database users have information in the Exchange address book. Typically, the <Servername>\Administrator and <Servername>\domadmin appear as database users but rarely have Exchange information.

To solve this problem

  1. Verify that the users who could not be synchronized are valid solution users with valid Windows NT accounts. If the user accounts causing the error are not used by the team solution, you can ignore this error.

  2. Create valid Exchange Server accounts for any users who should be included in the user directory.

For more information see Synchronizing the User Directory and Synchronizing User Information in the Access Workflow Designer Administrator's Guide.