More Accessibility Information

See Also

Other products, services, and resources are available from Microsoft and other organizations.

Additional Microsoft Products and Services for People with Disabilities

For more information, contact:

Microsoft Sales Information Center
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6393

World Wide Web:
Voice telephone: (800) 426-9400
Text telephone: (800) 892-5234

Directories of Computer Products That Help People with Disabilities

The Trace R&D Center at the University of Wisconsin - Madison produces a book and a compact disc describing products which help people with disabilities use computers. The book, The Trace Resourcebook, provides descriptions and photographs of about 2,000 products. The compact disc, Co-Net CD-ROM, provides a database of more than 18,000 products and other information for people with disabilities. It is issued twice a year.

To obtain these directories, contact:

Trace R&D Center
University of Wisconsin
S-151 Waisman Center
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53705-2280

World Wide Web:
Fax: (608) 262-8848
Text telephone: (608) 263-2309

Referrals to Assistive Technology Programs and Trained Evaluators

For general information and recommendations on how computers can help specific needs, you should consult a trained evaluator. An assistive technology program in your area will provide referrals to programs and services that are available to you.

To locate the assistive technology program nearest you, contact:

National Information System
University of South Carolina
Center for Developmental Disabilities
Columbia, SC 29208

Voice/text telephone: (803) 935-5231
Fax: (803) 935-5059