The Team Template

See Also

Team solutions can be created using team templates stored in the template directory, part of the modSystem database. A team template is the blueprint for a team solution, containing the database schema, permissions, roles, workflow rules, and Web files. Re-using and easily customizing existing templates saves development time.

The Access Workflow Designer provides wizard support for creating team solutions from templates, as well as for building templates from existing team solutions.

Once a team template has been created using the wizards, the template is automatically added to the modSystem database. Then, you can use the Team Solutions Manager to create multiple instances of your team solution from the template. Each copy you create will have its own database and Web site. A team template can also be saved to a file and imported into another Access Workflow Designer server template directory.

Team templates make it easy to share the team solutions that you create. For example, an expense-reporting solution created for your main office could easily be distributed as a template to branch offices. Each branch could modify it as required and then create an instance of the team solution.

For information about saving a solution as a template, see "Creating Team Templates" in the Access Workflow Designer Developer's Guide.

For information about managing team templates on the server, see Managing Team Templates in the Access Workflow Designer Administrator's Guide.