The Issue Tracking solution consists of a Web-based user interface and a SQL Server database. The primary pages used in the Issue Tracking solution were created using Access 2000 data access pages. Data access pages provide a quick and easy way to create data-bound Web pages by specifying the database and fields to be displayed. Then, you can easily the layout of the page using the data access page editor. For more information about data access pages, see the Access online documentation.
Once these data access pages were created, they were extended using the Microsoft Script Editor (MSE). From within the Access data page designer, MSE can be opened by right-clicking the page and selecting Microsoft Script Editor from the shortcut menu.
For a description of the files used in the Issue Tracking solution, see The Web Pages in the Issue Tracking Solution.
The Default.htm page provides a mechanism for redirecting the user to the main page, GridView.htm. This way the user only must navigate to the Web directory, which loads Default.htm and in turn redirects to GridView.htm.
In addition, this file contains non-visible links to every file used in the team solution. These links are used when the solution is taken offline to ensure all of the pages required to run the solution are taken offline. This file is a standard HTML file.
The Grid View page is a data access page that uses a Microsoft ActiveX® Hierarchical FlexGrid control (ModHFGrid) to display the list of issues. The data access page functionality specifies the underlying data source and data binding, while the ModHFGrid control provides an intuitive and attractive interface for displaying issues.
Data access pages define the underlying database query based on the data-bound controls placed on the page. Although the ModHFGrid control is used to display the issues, the data access page must contain controls bound to every field the user may want to display in the grid.
The Grid View page is bound to the view, IssuesBaseView. This view brings together the main view, IssuesView, and all of the lookup fields, such as Priority and Category, into one flat result. This makes it possible for the grid to display any combination of the fields in the main table and the lookup tables.
When the data access page was first created, every field from the view was dragged onto the Grid View page, so the source of the query returned all fields.
The ActiveX ModHFGrid control used to display the issues was placed on the page. VBScript was added to the page to bind the grid data source to the data source of the data access page, which is the MSODSC control.
set IssuesGrid.DataSource = MSODSC.DataPages.Item(0).Recordset
This is executed in the subroutine
Sub Grid_SetupBinding
within the GridView.htm page.
The Grid View page includes VBScript that supports different views to be displayed in the ModHFGrid control. The views define what columns are displayed in the grid, along with the width of each field, a filter specifying what records to display, and a sort order for specifying the order of the records.
The view information is stored in two solution tables. The IssuesGridView table stores a view definition that includes the fields, filter, and sort order for the view. The IssuesProperties table stores user information about each view. For example, each user in the system can have a different set of field widths per view. Also stored here is the last view a user was viewing, so, upon start up, that view can be restored.
The interface for selecting, creating, and modifying the views is provided by the Views.htm and CustomizeView.htm files. Views.htm is displayed within the GridView.htm page by dynamically adding an IFRAME to the Grid View page when the user clicks the View button on the toolbar. This is accomplished using the
Sub showDropDown
subroutine, which provides a generic function for displaying an inline page.
The first parameter specifies what page is to be displayed, and the second parameter specifies the height in pixels that should be used to display the page.
Once the Views page is shown, the user can select different views from a combo box in the Views.htm page. When the user selects a view, VBScript in Views.htm makes a call to GridView.htm to apply the selected view. This is done using the DHTML
Sub cboView_onChange window.Parent.execScript "SaveCurrentView ""Issues""","VBScript" window.Parent.execScript "ApplyView ""Issues""," + cboView.value + ",""""", "VBScript" window.Parent.execScript "SaveCurrentViewUsed ""Issues""","VBScript" End Sub
Within the GridView.htm, there are four main VBScript subroutines that apply and save view settings.
Function | Description |
Returns the ID of the view last displayed by the current user. |
Saves the ID of the view currently in use to the database. |
Used to apply the settings of a previously saved view. |
Saves the settings of the current view to the database. |
Used to refresh the grid with any changed data. Causes the view to be re-applied using the ApplyView routine. |
For a more complete description of views, see "SQL Views" in the SQL Server Books Online.
The Grid View page includes a feature that makes it possible for the user, interactively, to filter the items displayed in the grid. The interface for defining and applying the filter is provided by the InteractiveFilter.htm file. It is displayed in the same manner as the views support by dynamically adding an IFRAME to GridView.htm when the user clicks the Filter button on the toolbar. This is accomplished using the
Sub ShowDropDown
showDropDown('interactivefilter.htm', 250)
The first parameter specifies the page to be displayed, and the second parameter specifies the height in pixels that should be used to display the page.
Once the user has defined the filter on the Filter page, the new filter is applied by executing a DHTML
method within the InteractiveFilter.htm file.
window.parent.execScript("ApplyFilter(\"" + output.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(rxDoubleQuotes, '\\"') + "\")");
In GridView.htm, the routine to execute the filter is the
Function | Description |
Applies the specified filter to the records displayed within the grid. |