User Directory Security Considerations

See Also

When the team solution is taken offline, the information in the modUserList and modUserRoles tables can be edited by anyone who has access to the local database. Although a user can make changes to the offline database, solution security is enforced when the user attempts to synchronize those changes when back online.

Any changes made to the modUserList and modUserRoles tables are not synchronized with the server, ensuring that changes made locally will not impact the online database on the server.

Users or roles added or modified while a team solution is offline do not impact that offline database until the user synchronizes it with the online solution. During synchronization, the user directory is updated with the latest information. For more information, see User Information Offline Considerations.

Note   If the modAppOwners group does not have permissions to view the required columns in Active Directory (or Windows 2000 services), user directory synchronization will fail. For a list of columns required in the user directory, see The User Directory.