Workflow Toolbar Properties

See Also

The Workflow Toolbar control contains a number of properties that can be used to customize the toolbar. These properties can be displayed by right-clicking the control in Design view of a data access page and selecting the Properties option.

For details about working with Workflow Toolbar control properties, see Editing Toolbar Control Properties.

Name Description
BackColor Returns or sets the background color for the toolbar.
BorderHighlightColor Returns or sets the color used to draw highlights on the control and button borders.
BorderShadowColor Returns or sets the color used to draw shadows on the control and button borders.
BorderVisible Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the toolbar displays a raised border.
DataSource Returns the control’s data source.
Event Returns an object with properties about the current ClickAction event. The following read-only properties are available on the Event object:

Action—the action ID from the WorkflowActions table.
Caption—the action name from the WorkflowActions table.
Type—The action type: 1 = create, 2 = delete, 3 = update, and 4 = transition.
State—the current value of the row’s workflow state column.
NextState—the new value of the row’s workflow state column.

FontName Returns or sets the font name for the toolbar.
FontSize Returns or sets the font size for the toolbar in points.
FontWeight Returns or sets the font weight for the toolbar. To make the font bold, set the value to 700. To make the font normal, set the value to 400.
ForeColor Returns or sets the foreground color for the toolbar.
LockFieldsBeforeEdit Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether all HTML elements and ActiveX controls in the section will be disabled (except for text-edit elements which are read-only) until the user chooses an action.
Enabled Returns or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the control responds to user events.
HideUnavailable Returns or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether unavailable actions are hidden rather than displayed as disabled. This property may be useful if your workflow process defines a large number of actions.
OfflineRedirect Returns or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the control redirects the data source’s connection string to point to the local Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) or SQL Server store when offline.
RecordSource Identifies the name of the data access page section to which the toolbar binds.
ShowActionButtons Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the toolbar control generates a set of buttons for the available workflow actions.
ShowOfflineButton Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether the offline button is shown in the toolbar.
ShowPictures Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether pictures are shown for each toolbar menu option.
ShowTextLabels Returns or sets a Boolean value that controls whether text labels are shown for all buttons. Otherwise, labels are shown only for the workflow action buttons and not for the Offline button.

Editing Toolbar Control Properties

Some properties of the Workflow Toolbar control, such as color properties, are easier to set using the Microsoft Script Editor than the property browser provided in the Design view in Access.

To open Microsoft Script Editor from Access

  1. Open a data access page in Design view.

  2. Right-click the Workflow Toolbar control, and select Microsoft Script Editor.

  3. If the Properties pane is not displayed, from the View menu, choose Properties Window.

  4. Scroll down through the page until you find the Workflow Toolbar: <UniqueTable name>, and select it to display the toolbar properties in the properties pane.

For details about adding script to the Workflow Toolbar control, see Scripting with the Workflow Toolbar.