Creating a Table Hierarchy

See Also

After you have determined which tables to include in the table hierarchy (those tables that have workflow, have row-level permissions, or serve as a the record source for a data access page), you are ready to set up your table hierarchy.

To set up your table hierarchy

  1. In the Access Workflow Designer, open your team solution. For details about opening the designer, see Accessing Access Workflow Designer Tools.

  2. On the toolbar, select Add Main Table to open the Main Table Selection wizard.

  3. Specify which tables are main tables. For details, see Identifying Main User Tables.

  4. Add any other detail or lookup tables to the hierarchy. For details, see Adding Detail and Lookup Tables.

To view the table hierarchy

  1. In the Access Workflow Designer, expand the Tables node in the Object List.

  2. To see the detail or lookup tables associated with the main tables, expand the main table node.
For information about See
Modifying the table hierarchy and row-level security and specifying additional main tables Identifying Main User Tables
Creating new detail and lookup tables Adding Detail and Lookup Tables
Specifying read/write permissions for each role Defining Table Security
Adding row-level security to your team solution Enabling Row-Level Permissions