Accessing User Information from Workflow Script

See Also

You can use the Session object in workflow script to retrieve information from the user directory. For example, use Session.UserList to access information such as the user’s e-mail address or manager.

For example, in the Finding a Manager in the User Directory example, the function uses the current user’s SAM Account Name to locate the name and e-mail address of the manager for that user. The script finds the manager by first locating the user in the user directory using the SAM Account Name

   ulist.Find strUL_SAM & "='" & Session.Item(strItem) & "'"

and then by identifying that user’s manager.

   strManagerSID = ulist(strUL_MGR)

Once the function has located the manager, it looks up the e-mail address for that manager and returns that information.

For example script showing the functions that return user information from the user directory, see Script Examples.