Adding Code to a Data Access Page for Offline Redirection

See Also

For the Web pages in your team solution to function correctly when taken offline, they must have script making it possible for them to connect to the offline data source when offline and then reconnect to the online data source. This is referred to as a redirection script, because it redirects the data source depending on whether the page is being used online or offline.

As with any script used in a series of pages, the best approach to offline redirection is to create a resource text file containing the functions and then call that text file from your Web page script using the

src = command
. For example, the following script calls the modConStr.vbs file that contains additional functions:

<SCRIPT id=connectionStringVBS language=vbscript src="./modConStr.vbs"></SCRIPT> 

For information about Web scripting, visit the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN™) Online Web Workshop at, or refer to the Microsoft Script Technologies Web site at

To create the offline redirection script

  1. Create your data access page. For details, see Creating Data Access Pages.

  2. Add script to the data access page. For details, see Adding script to a data access page.

  3. Create a resource text file containing functions. For details, see Creating a resource file for HTML scripting.

Adding Script to a Data Access Page

Once you have created your data access page, you can modify it using any text or HTML editor, such as Access, Microsoft Visual InterDev®, or even Microsoft Notepad. This example uses the Microsoft Script Editor available in Design view in Access.

To add script to a data access page

  1. After creating your data access page in Access 2000, open it in Design view.

  2. Right-click any part of the data access page that is not a control or label, and from the shortcut menu, select Microsoft Script Editor.

  3. In the main window of the Microsoft Script Editor, locate the <HEAD> and <BODY> tags.

  4. Place the cursor between the <HEAD> and <BODY> tags, and add a few blank lines. Then, copy the following code, and paste it between those two tags.

    Note   The following script requires the modConStr.vbs file. For details about creating this file, see Creating a Resource File for HTML Scripting later in this document.

    <!----------------Create Global Connection------------>
    <SCRIPT id=connectionStringVBS language=vbscript src="./modConStr.vbs"></SCRIPT>
    <SCRIPT id=CreateConnectionScript language=vbscript>
    Dim oConnection
    Sub CreateConnection
       Dim strConnectionString
       strConnectionString = GetConnectionString()
       set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
       oConnection.ConnectionString = strConnectionString
       On Error Resume Next
       If Err.number <> 0 Then
          msgbox "The following error has occurred:  " & Err.description
          window.navigate ("about:Blank")
          ' window.close
       End If
       On Error GoTo 0
       document.all("msodsc").ConnectionString = strConnectionString
    End Sub
    <!--------------END Create Global Connection END------------>
  5. Save the script by clicking Save or selecting Save from the File menu.

Creating a Resource File for HTML Scripting

A resource file is a text file that contains only script. This file can be referred to using the using the

src =
command. For example, you can place the following code in your Web page or workflow script, and the functions in the modConStr.vbs file will be executed.

<SCRIPT id=connectionStringVBS language=vbscript src="./modConStr.vbs"></SCRIPT>

For more information about scripting, refer to the Microsoft Script Technologies Web site at

To create a resource text file

  1. In a text editor, such as Notepad, type or copy the following code.

  2. Save the file as modconstr.vbs, and copy it to the root directory for the Web site associated with your team solution.

    Code for the Resource File

    ' Change the sqlServerDatabase and sqlServerName variables to reflect 
    ' how your system is set up. This needs to be changed for every 
    ' time you want to take a different data access page offline.
    dim sqlServerDatabase as string
    dim sqlServerName as string
    sqlServerDatabase = "Set database name here" 'Change this
    sqlServerName = "Set SQL Server name here" 'Change this
    Function GetConnectionString
       If window.navigator.onLine = True Then
          GetConnectionString = modGetConnectionStringEx("onLine","Application")
          GetConnectionString = modGetConnectionStringEx("offline","Application")
       End If
    End Function
    Function GetSystemDBConnectionString
       If window.navigator.onLine = True Then
          GetSystemDBConnectionString = modGetConnectionStringEx("onLine","System")
          GetSystemDBConnectionString = modGetConnectionStringEx("offline","System")
       End If
    End Function
    Function modGetConnectionStringEx(strType,strDBType)
       Dim strServer, strLogon, strDB
       strLogon = "Integrated Security=SSPI;"
       Select Case UCase(strType)
          Case "ONLINE"
             strServer = modGetServer()
          Case "OFFLINE"
             strServer = modGetLocal()
             strLogon = ""
          Case Else
             strServer = ""
       End Select
       Select Case UCase(strDBType)
          Case "APPLICATION"
             strDB = modGetApplicationDB()
          Case "SYSTEM"
             strDB = modGetSystemDB()
          Case Else
             strDB = ""
       End Select
       modGetConnectionStringEx = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=" + strDB + ";Data Source=" + strServer + ";" + strLogon
    End Function
    Function modGetSystemDB()
       modGetSystemDB = "modSystem"
    End Function
    Function modGetApplicationDB()
       Dim oLocalCon, rsLocal, strConnectionString, strPassword, strLogon
       ' Localization Resource Identifer
       Const L_UnableToConnect_Message = "Unable to connect to the offline system database. Make sure you have valid login permissions and that the server is running. Contact your server administrator for assistance."
       Const L_EnterPassword_Message = "Enter your password: "
       Const L_InvalidPassword_Message = "Unable to connect to the offline system database. Your password may have been entered incorrectly. "
       Const L_CantGetOfflineDBName_Message = "Unable to retrieve the name of the offline database from the offline modSystem database."
       If window.navigator.onLine = True Then
          modGetApplicationDB = sqlServerDatabase
          On Error Resume Next
          Set oLocalCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
          If Err.Number = 429 Then
             ' Unable to create ActiveX object, not safe
             ' User receives message from browser, so exit the page
             gAbort = True
             Exit Function
          End If
          If modGetOS() <> "Windows NT" Then
             strLogon = ""
             strLogon = "Integrated Security=SSPI;"
          End If
          strConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=" + modGetSystemDB() + ";Data Source=(local);" + strLogon
          strPassword = GetValue(document.cookie,"Password")
          intTries = 1
             oLocalCon.ConnectionString = strConnectionString
             If strPassword <> "" Then
                oLocalCon.Properties("Password") = strPassword
             End If
             If oLocalCon.State <> 1 Then
                If InStr(strConnectionString,"Integrated Security") <> 0 Then
                   msgbox L_UnableToConnect_Message & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Err.description,vbCritical,gDialogTitle
                   gAbort = True
                   window.navigate "about:blank"
                   Exit Function
                   If intTries > 1 Then
                      strPrompt = L_InvalidPassword_Message & chr(13) & chr(13) & L_EnterPassword_Message
                      strPrompt = Chr(13) & L_EnterPassword_Message
                   End If
                   If strRetValue = "" Then
                      gAbort = True
                      window.navigate "about:blank"
                      Exit Function
                   End If
                   strPassword = strRetValue
                   intTries = intTries + 1
                   oLocalCon.Properties("Password").Value = strPassword
                End If
             End If
          Loop Until oLocalCon.State = 1
          If InStr(document.cookie,"Password=") = 0 And strPassword <> "" Then   
             document.cookie = ("Password=" & strPassword & ";")
          End If
          On Error Resume Next
          Set rsLocal = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
          If Err.Number = 429 Then
             ' Unable to create ActiveX object, not safe
             ' User receives message from browser, so exit the page
             gAbort = True
             Exit Function
          End If
          rsLocal.Open "SELECT OfflineDatabase FROM modSystem..modApplications WHERE [Server]='" & modGetServer() & "' AND [Database]='" & sqlServerDatabase & "'", oLocalCon, 3
          If Err.number <> 0 Then
             HandleDBErrors L_CantGetOfflineDBName_Message
             gAbort = True
             Exit Function
          End If
          modGetApplicationDB = rsLocal.Fields("OfflineDatabase").Value
          If Err.number <> 0 Then
             HandleDBErrors L_CantGetOfflineDBName_Message
             gAbort = True
             Exit Function
          End If
       End If
    End Function
    Function modGetServer()
       modGetServer = sqlServerName
    End Function
    Function modGetLocal()
       modGetLocal = "(local)"
    End Function
    Function modGetOS()
       If InStr(window.navigator.userAgent,"Windows NT") <> 0 Then
          modGetOS = "Windows NT"
          modGetOS = "Windows"
       End If
    End Function