Controlling Row Changes Based on State

See Also

If you want the workflow process to make it possible for rows to be added, updated, or deleted from the table, you must supply an action to permit it.

Note   You are not required to add script; you only must add the action.

To make it possible for items to be inserted, updated, and deleted while in a state

  1. In the Workflow Process pane, select the Design tab.

  2. In the workflow diagram, right-click the state, and click Add Action.

  3. In the Add Action dialog box, click an action type.
    If you want to make it possible for Select
    Rows to be inserted in this state


    Rows to be deleted in this state


    Rows to be modified in this state


  4. In the Action name field, enter a name, and click OK.

  5. If you want to add script to the action, double-click the action in the Actions list.

  6. In the Shared Script tab, modify the validation function, or add script to the action procedure directly below it. By default, the validation script procedure returns True.

  7. Click Verify Script to test the syntax of your script.

  8. Click Save.