Issue Tracking Team Solution

The Issue Tracking solution is a Web-based application that takes advantage of the Microsoft Access Workflow Designer for Microsoft SQL Server™ infrastructure and core features. The solution makes it possible for you to track an issue through a series of states or steps in a process. In addition, the solution includes the ability to use advanced filtering and viewing of issues and to specify offline options.

The Issue Tracking solution can be used immediately out of the box to track issues. You can use the Team Solutions Manager to create an instance of the Issue Tracking solution on your server, and it is ready to use. After it is deployed, you can customize the solution to your specific requirements or use it to learn how to create a Microsoft Office 2000 Developer Web-based team solution.

To use the Issue Tracking solution, you first must create the solution from the template. For details, see Creating a Team Solution Based on a Team Template. Then, you can open the solution in the Access Workflow Designer to see how it works.

For information about See
The Issue Tracking solution user interface The Web Pages in the Issue Tracking Solution
The main HTML pages and database views and functions used in the Issue Tracking solution The Structure of the Issue Tracking Solution
The solution's offline capabilities Offline Support in the Issue Tracking Solution
How the Issue Tracking solution uses and exposes workflow services Workflow Support in the Issue Tracking Solution
How the Issue Tracking solution uses and exposes row-level security Row-level Security Support in the Issue Tracking Solution