BackColor, BackColorBkg, BackColorFixed, BackColorSel Properties (ModHFGrid) Example

The following example uses the BackColorBkg, BackColorFixed, and BackColorSel properties in the ModHFGrid. It resets the colors of the control's background, selected background, and fixed-cell background randomly twice each second for the ModHFGrid. To use this example, paste the code into the Declarations section of a form with a Timer control and a ModHFGrid with the names Timer1 and ModHFGrid1 respectively and then load the form.

Private Sub Form_Load ()
   Timer1.Interval =500
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer ()
   ModHFGrid1.BackColorBkg =QBColor(Rnd * 15)
   ModHFGrid1.BackColorFixed =QBColor(Rnd * 10)
   ModHFGrid1.BackColorSel =QBColor(Rnd * 10)
End Sub