ColAlignmentFixed Property (ModHFGrid)

See Also    Applies To

Returns or sets the alignment of data in the fixed cells of a column in a ModHFGrid.


object.ColAlignmentFixed(index) [=value]

The ColAlignmentFixed property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
index A Long value that specifies the column.
value An integer that determines the alignment of the data in the fixed cells, as described in Settings.


The settings for value are:

Constant Value Description
flexAlignLeftTop 0 The cell content is aligned left, top.
flexAlignLeftCenter 1 The cell content is aligned left, center.
flexAlignLeftBottom 2 The cell content is aligned left, bottom.
flexAlignCenterTop 3 The cell content is aligned center, top.
flexAlignCenterCenter 4 The cell content is aligned center, center.
flexAlignCenterBottom 5 The cell content is aligned center, bottom.
flexAlignRightTop 6 The cell content is aligned right, top.
flexAlignRightCenter 7 The cell content is aligned right, center.
flexAlignRightBottom 8 The cell content is aligned right, bottom.
flexAlignGeneral 9 The column content is of general alignment. This is left, center for strings and right, center for numbers.


You can use the FixedCols and FixedRows properties to define the cells in a column.