Sort, TextMatrix Properties (ModHFGrid) Example

The following example uses the Sort and TextMatrix properties. It performs a ModHFGrid sort according to the value of a ComboBox control. To use the example, place a ModHFGrid control and a ComboBox control on a form. Paste the following code into the Declarations section and then press F5.

Private Sub Combo1_Click()
' Select Column according to Sort method.
Select Case Combo1.ListIndex 
   Case 0 To 2
      ModHFGrid1.Col =1
   Case 3 To 4
      ModHFGrid1.Col =2
   Case 4 To 8
      ModHFGrid1.Col =1   
End Select

' Sort according to Combo1.ListIndex.
ModHFGrid1.Sort =Combo1.ListIndex 
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
' Fill ModHFGrid with random data.
ModHFGrid1.Cols =3 ' Create three columns.
For i =1 To 11 ' Add ten items.
   ModHFGrid1.AddItem ""
   ModHFGrid1.Col =2
   ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1) =SomeName(i)
   ModHFGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2) =Rnd()
Next i

' Fill combo box with Sort choices
With Combo1
   .AddItem "flexSortNone" ' 0
   .AddItem "flexSortGenericAscending" '1
   .AddItem "flexSortGenericDescending" '2
   .AddItem "flexSortNumericAscending" '3
   .AddItem "flexSortNumericDescending" '4
   .AddItem "flexSortStringNoCaseAsending" '5
   .AddItem "flexSortNoCaseDescending" '6
   .AddItem "flexSortStringAscending" '7
   .AddItem "flexSortStringDescending" '8
   .ListIndex =0
End With
End Sub

Private Function SomeName(i As Integer) As String
Select Case i
   Case 1
      SomeName ="Ann"
   Case 2
      SomeName ="Glenn"
   Case 3
      SomeName ="Sid"
   Case 4
      SomeName ="Anton"
   Case 5
      SomeName ="Hoagie"
   Case 6
      SomeName ="Traut 'Trane"
   Case 7
      SomeName ="MereD Wah"
   Case 8
      SomeName ="Kemp"
   Case 9
      SomeName ="Sandy"
   Case 10
      SomeName ="Lien"
   Case 11
      SomeName ="Randy"
End Select
End Function