Workflow Toolbar Control

See Also

The Microsoft Office Developer Workflow Toolbar control is a Microsoft ActiveX® control that integrates with data access pages and makes it possible for you to add the following features to your team solutions:

The toolbar control provides programmability, so these features can be used independently or in conjunction. Once the control has been added to a data access page, the Microsoft Script Editor can be used to add script to the toolbar’s events.

Using the Workflow Toolbar control makes it easier to provide offline capabilities to your team solution. If you choose not to use the control, you must provide your own script to perform the features listed earlier. For details, see Making Data Available Offline.

For more information about See
The toolbar control features including workflow actions, offline redirection, and the offline publication menu Workflow Toolbar Features
The toolbar control data binding and the properties, methods, and events associated with the control Workflow Toolbar Object Model
How to add script the toolbar control events Scripting with the Workflow Toolbar
How to include the toolbar control in a team solution Distributing the Toolbar with a Team Solution

For information about creating team solutions, see the Developing Team Solutions section.