Shared Script Tab (Workflow Process Pane)

See Also

Associates script functions with events initiated when the workflow state is performed. On the Shared Script tab, you can view the script associated with these script procedures.

The easiest way to view script associated with an action is to double-click the action in the Actions list or workflow diagram. Double-clicking an action takes you to the beginning of the Validation Script code for this action on the Shared Script tab.

For more information about adding script to workflow actions, see Scripting Workflow Actions.


Go to procedure

Use this list to locate script procedures in the code pane.

Code pane

Write your script in this code editor. All script for the workflow process is contained here. The code editor performs simple code coloring, but it does not provide syntax verification as you write the code. To verify your script, click the Verify Script button.

Verify Script

When selected, validates the script in the code pane and reports any errors that are found.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Working with workflow states Adding and Modifying States in a Workflow
Working with actions associated with workflow states Adding and Modifying Actions for States
Example script that can be used in your team solutions Script Examples
Reference information about the Session object model, the Logger object model, and the workflow scripting events Scripting Reference
Adding a workflow process to your solution Building a Workflow Process
Defining a table hierarchy for your solution database Setting up a Table Hierarchy