Add Workflow Action Dialog Box

See Also

Specifies the properties of a new action for the workflow process.

You specify the type of action you want to create, a name for the action, and the following state if appropriate. Once you identify the action properties, the actions will be added to the Actions list for the selected state. If the action is a transition, it will also be shown in the workflow diagram as an arrow between the corresponding states.


Action Name

Type a name for the new action.

Actions between states

Select an action type that impacts another state.

Actions within the state

Select an action type to perform.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Working with actions associated with workflow states Adding and Modifying Actions for States
Adding script to workflow actions Scripting Workflow Actions
Example script that can be used in your team solutions Script Examples
Reference information about the Session object model, the Logger object model, and the workflow scripting events Scripting Reference
Assigning permissions to workflow actions Controlling Permissions for an Action
Working with the workflow states Adding and Modifying States in a Workflow
Adding a workflow process to your solution Building a Workflow Process
Defining a table hierarchy for your solution database Setting up a Table Hierarchy