General Tab (Solution Properties Pane)

See Also

Displays the solution’s registration information, including the solution name, description, and Web site URL. This information is based on the information that was entered during database registration.

For details, see Registering a Solution Database.


Solution Name

Displays the name of the team solution. You can change the name by typing a new one. The default is specified in the Database Registration wizard.

You can design your Web site to look up the solution name from the system database’s modApplications table and to display this as the solution’s title.


Displays the description for the team solution. You can modify it by typing your changes. There is no limit on the amount of text you can type. Optional.


Displays the HTTP address for the team solution. You cannot change the server location once the solution is registered. Read-only.


Displays the name of the server on which the solution resides. You cannot change the server location. Read-only.


Displays the name of the database associated with the team solution. You cannot change the name of the database. Read-only.

Where to go from here

For information about See
The requirements and guidelines for creating a team solution Planning a Team Solution
Declaring your solution database as a team solution and registering it in the modSystem database Registering a Solution Database