Main Table General Tab (Tables Pane)

See Also

Displays the row permissions settings for the main table and the name of the view created to filter rows for the table. It also lists any offline publications that have been created.

A main table is the central, or pivotal, table in a table hierarchy. It contains one row for each item. Other tables in the group can be detail tables that contain multiple rows of additional data for each row in the main table and lookup tables that store related information such as lookup keywords. When you enable row-level security on a main table, permissions can be set on each individual row in that main table.


Base View

Displays the base view of the selected main table. Every main table has a base view that is used to enforce row-level permissions. All data access to the main table must be made through this view. Read-only.

Workflow Process

Displays the name of the workflow process associated with the main table. To add a workflow process, use the Workflow Process wizard. Read-only.

Offline publications

Lists the offline publications that include this table. To add publications, use Offline Publications wizard. Read-only.

Enable row permissions

Enables or disables row-level permissions. When you enable row-level permissions, you can set permissions on each individual row in the main table. These permissions are also enforced on the detail tables in the group.

Select the check box to enable permissions; clear it to disable permissions for the main table.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Defining a table hierarchy for your solution database Setting up a Table Hierarchy
Selecting main tables for your solution Identifying Main User Tables
Setting up table and row-level permissions for your main tables Defining Table Security
Adding and removing detail and lookup tables in the Tables node Adding Detail and Lookup Tables
Adding a workflow process to your solution Building a Workflow Process
Creating offline publications for your solution Allowing Users to Work Offline