Lookup Table General Tab (Tables Pane)

See Also

Displays information about the table and its relationship to the parent table in the hierarchy.

A lookup table contains data, such as keyword lookup values, that is used by its parent table. A lookup table must have a many-to-one foreign key relationship with its parent table.


Parent table

Displays the name of the parent table. Read-only.


Displays the foreign key constraint that relates the lookup table to its parent table. Read-only.

Parent table column

Displays the column in the parent table used in the foreign key constraint.

Current table column

Displays the column in the selected table that is used in the foreign key constraint.

Find Foreign Key

Select to identify or update the foreign key relationship that relates the table to its parent table. This option updates the relationship if you have changed, added, or removed the foreign key constraint.

Keyword lookup column

If the lookup table has been identified as a workflow state lookup table, the keyword column drop-down list is enabled. Then, you can select a suitable column. Otherwise, this option is disabled.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Defining a table hierarchy for your solution database Setting up a Table Hierarchy
Adding and removing detail and lookup tables in the Tables node Adding Detail and Lookup Tables
Selecting main tables for your solution Identifying Main User Tables
Setting up table and row-level permissions for your main tables Defining Table Security
Adding a workflow process to your solution Building a Workflow Process
Creating offline publications for your solution Allowing Users to Work Offline