Constant |
Value |
Description |
flexerrBadBandColIndex |
30020 |
The specified band column index is invalid. |
flexerrBadBandNumber |
30019 |
The specified band number is invalid. |
flexerrBadValue |
380 |
The specified property value is invalid. |
flexerrClipInvalidFormat |
461 |
The specified format does not match the data format. |
flexerrDataNotSetForFormat |
676 |
The requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event. |
flexerrDataObjectLocked |
672 |
The DataObject format list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event. |
flexerrExpectedAnArgument |
673 |
At least one argument was expected. |
30018 |
Specify the row or column string to be formatted. |
flexerrGetNotSupported |
394 |
The specified property is not available. |
flexerrHROWsNotReleased |
30023 |
Unable to access the data. The DataSource property settings may be incorrect, or the DataSource functionality may be limited. |
flexerrIllegalFunctionCall |
5 |
The specified procedure call is invalid. |
flexerrNotAvailableWithBandedData |
30021 |
The specified command is not available when bound to hierarchical data. |
flexerrObjIllegalUse |
425 |
The object use is invalid. |
flexerrOutOfMemory |
7 |
The system is running low on memory. Close any additional applications to free memory for your application. |
flexerrRecursiveOLEDrag |
674 |
Illegal recursive invocation of the OLE drag-and-drop feature. |
flexerrSetNotPermitted |
387 |
The specified setting is not permitted. |
flexerrSubscript |
381 |
The specified subscript is out of the allowable range. |
flexerrUnknownBinding |
30022 |
The ModHFGrid does not support the requested type of data binding. |
flexerrUnknownError |
600 |
An error has occurred while performing the operation. |
flexerrUserFormatNotBinArray |
675 |
Non-intrinsic OLE drag-and-drop formats used with the SetData property require Byte array data. The GetData property may return more bytes than were provided to SetData. |
flexerrVB30000 |
30000 |
Cannot perform a RemoveItem on a fixed row. |
flexerrVB30001 |
30002 |
Cannot perform an AddItem on a fixed row. |
flexerrVB30002 |
30004 |
The ModHFGrid does not contain the specified row. |
flexerrVB30004 |
30005 |
The column number specified for alignment is invalid. |
flexerrVB30005 |
30005 |
The specified alignment value is invalid. |
flexerrVB30006 |
30006 |
Unable to allocate memory for the ModHFGrid. |
flexerrVB30008 |
30008 |
The specified picture type is invalid. |
flexerrVB30009 |
30009 |
The specified row value is invalid. |
flexerrVB30010 |
30010 |
The specified column value is invalid. |
flexerrVB30011 |
30011 |
Unable to register the memory manager. |
flexerrVB30013 |
30013 |
The specified row height value is invalid. |
flexerrVB30014 |
30014 |
The specified column width value is invalid. |
flexerrVB30015 |
30015 |
The last non-fixed row cannot be removed. |
flexerrVB30016 |
30016 |
The specified FixedRows value must be at least one fewer than the Rows value. |
flexerrVB30017 |
30017 |
The specified FixedCols value must be at least one fewer than the Cols value. |