Object List Window

See Also

Displays a tree of the objects in your database that are managed by the Access Workflow Designer. The objects include tables, workflow processes, and offline publications.

The Object List consists of the following objects for your team solution:

To view the property and design pages for each object, open the node, and select an object in the Object List.

Only one solution can be open in the Object List at a time. If you launched the Access Workflow Designer from the Start menu, you can open a different solution by choosing Open Database from the File menu.

Symbols Used in the Object List

Symbol Description
Main user table
Detail user table
Lookup user table
Workflow process exists and is enabled
Workflow process exists but has been disabled
Offline publication exists and is up to date
Offline publication exists, but has changed and needs to be re-created
Offline publication needs to be created. Information about the publication exists, but the SQL publication has not been created.
Offline publication needs to be created. Information about the publication exists and has been changed, but the SQL publication has not been created.

Where to go from here

For information about See
Defining a table hierarchy for your solution database Setting up a Table Hierarchy
Adding and removing detail and lookup tables in the Tables node Adding Detail and Lookup Tables
Adding a workflow process to your solution Building a Workflow Process
Creating offline publications for your solution Allowing Users to Work Offline