Offline Tab (Solution Properties Pane)

See Also

Adds, removes, and modifies offline publications for your team solution. For details about publications, see Creating an Offline Publication.

Offline support makes it possible for a copy of a team solution to be stored and used on a local computer that is disconnected from the network. Before you can make it possible for users to work offline, you must install and enable offline replication for your database and decide how synchronization is handled when the user returns online.


Install/Uninstall Offline Replication Components

Enables offline replication features for the team solution. Installing offline replication involves creating support objects in the solution database and enabling the database as a publication database in SQL Server.

SQL Server must be set up with a published distribution database before replication can be installed in the solution database.

Note   You must be a member of the SQL Server administrator role to perform this operation.

When you install offline components, you are asked whether you would like to create an offline publication. If you click Yes, the Offline Publications wizard is launched.

Uninstalling offline replication involves removing all offline support objects installed by Access Workflow Designer and dropping all publications.

Offline change synchronization should be transacted

Specifies the method for synchronizing with the online database.

Select an option for background conflict resolution

Specifies the type of action to be performed automatically during background or scheduled synchronization.

Select a default offline publication

Sets the default publication when none is specified.

When you create multiple publications, you can specify which offline publication should be used to set up a subscription when no publication is specified. The default publication should include the set of data that most users want.

Important   Be sure to verify that the default publication works correctly for all offline users. Publications that have been set up for a certain class of user with specific permissions are a poor choice for default publication.

If you do not specify a default publication, the first available publication is used. The default publication is applied only when a user uses the Add to Favorite command on the Favorites menu in Microsoft Internet Explorer.

If you delete the default publication, a new one should be chosen from the remaining publications.

Caution   Including too much data in the default publication can impact performance.

Enable identity partitioning

If enabled, the number ranges for identity primary key columns in your table will be partitioned and distributed to each subscriber. This is done to eliminate the possibility of identity conflicts due to multiple records being assigned the same identity value.

Identity partitioning is important unless you use rowguid columns for primary keys in your database tables. If you select this option, the team solution automatically allocates ranges of numbers for each identity column to each offline user.

If you clear this option, you must use rowguid columns for primary keys on your tables or implement your own partitioning scheme. If cleared, updates to tables with identity columns can become difficult to synchronize.

Note   If you change this property, you must re-create your publication.

Where to go from here

For information about See
The requirements and guidelines for creating a team solution Planning a Team Solution
Creating offline publications for your solution Allowing Users to Work Offline
Installing and enabling offline replication for your database and deciding how synchronization is handled when the user returns online Installing Offline Support for the Solution
Creating offline publications for your team solution Creating an Offline Publication
Specifying synchronization options for your publication Defining Synchronization Methods
Defining conflict resolution options Allowing Users to Resolve Conflicts
Making sure your Web pages can work offline Adding Offline Capabilities to a Web Page