The modReplIncludeList Table

See Also

The modReplIncludeList user table contains a list of objects that should be included in the offline publication for the team solution. The main purpose of this table is to prevent user objects from being included in the publication automatically.

Caution   You should not alter the modReplIncludeList table manually. Use the Access Workflow Designer and the Team Solutions Manager to make changes. Schema integrity is not guaranteed if you make manual changes to any solutions system tables.

The modReplIncludeList database table contains a number of columns used by the team solutions. The following table lists those columns and their data types and provides a brief description of each.

Column Data type Description
ID identity (int) Unique identifier for each object.
Name sysname Name of the object; can be a table, stored procedure, view, and so on.
Include bit Flag identifying whether to include the object in the publication: 1 if the object should be included, 2 if it should be excluded.
ReplType int Specifies the replication type for the object:
0   Not replicated
1   Schema only - no data
2   Cannot modify
4   UserList view
16 Insert only
32 Update only
48 Insert and update only
64 Delete only
80 Insert and delete only
96 Update and delete only
114 Full merge
272 Workflow insert only *
288 Workflow update only *
304 Workflow insert and update only *
320 Workflow delete only *
336 Workflow insert and delete only *
352 Workflow update and delete only *
370 Workflow full merge *

Note   Those types marked with an asterisk (*) can be specified only by the Access Workflow Designer. Do not manually select these types.

Prefix bit Flag identifying whether the name of the object is a regular expression, such as modRepl%: 1 for true, 0 for false.