An important solution feature is the ability to take a solution offline. This process is based on publications and subscriptions. Subscription information for each subscriber (the offline client) is stored in the modSubscriptions table and the modSubObjects table.
The modSubscriptions table stores the information required to create a subscription. SQL Server does not define an ID for subscriptions, so the ID column is an identity generated by this table.
The link between the solution subscription list and the SQL subscriptions returned by the stored procedure sp_helpsubscription is maintained by using the publication and subscription names.
Caution You should not alter the modSubscriptions table manually. Use the Access Workflow Designer and the Team Solutions Manager to make changes. Schema integrity is not guaranteed if you make manual changes to any solutions system tables.
The modSubscriptions database table contains a number of columns used by the team solutions. The following table lists those columns and their data types and provides a brief description of each.
Column | Data type | Description |
sub_ID | identity (int) | Unique identifier for the subscription. |
sub_Name | nvarchar(256) | Name of the subscription. |
sub_Server | nvarchar(256) | Name of the subscription server. |
sub_PubID | int | ID of the subscribed publication. |
sub_State | int | Reserved, for internal use only. |