The modTemplates Table

See Also

The modTemplates table is a directory table for all the templates registered on the server. It holds a number of key attributes associated with each template. Its primary role is to provide the information required by the Team Solutions Manager. The link to each template in the database is implemented by storing the table ID of the template from sysObjects in the table_id column.

Some of the modTemplates columns, such as Name, Caption, and Version, have their values replicated from template attributes stored in the template header, which is the primary storage for those values. They are copied into the modTemplates table to optimize the display of the template list. Access Workflow Designer administration tools such as the Team Template wizard and the Team Solutions Manager keep this information synchronized.

Caution   You should not manually alter the modTemplates table. Use the Access Workflow Designer and the Team Solutions Manager to make changes. Schema integrity is not guaranteed if you make manual changes to any solutions system tables.

The modTemplates database table contains a number of columns used by the solutions tools. The following table lists those columns and their data types and provides a brief description of each.

Column Data type Description
Id identity (int) Unique identifier for each template.
Name nvarchar(128) Name of the template (for example "IssuesAction").
Caption nvarchar(256) Friendly name of the template displayed as the template title in the Team Solutions Manager.
Version nchar(10) Template version in dd.dd.dddd format.
Table_id int ID of the template table in the system database.
Available bit If 0, the template cannot be deployed. This column makes it possible for an administrator to install a solution template but not make it available. It is an easy way to hide the template from all users.
Description ntext Text describing the template. This information is entered when creating a new template in the Team Template wizard.