Troubleshooting: Workflow Process and Scripting Issues

See Also

This section addresses issues relating to the requirements for the Access Workflow Designer workflow engine and the components of the workflow process.

For information about specific error messages, see Error Messages.

Workflow process requirements and limitations

When implementing a workflow process in your team solution, it is important to consider following issues:

For more information about workflow requirements, see The Workflow Engine Model.

Reapplying workflow to items whose state was deleted

The workflow process controls items that are in valid states that are part of the workflow. If a state is deleted from the workflow process, that state is no longer valid and items in that state are not subject to the rules of the workflow.

The purpose of the workflow process is to control changes in state. Therefore, updates from a lost state to a valid state are prevented.

To reapply workflow to deleted items

  1. Update the record’s state to Null.

  2. Update the record’s state to a new valid state.

In addition, you can disable workflow enforcement, reset your state, and then re-enable workflow.

Recovering workflow after a table name has changed

If the name of a table that has a workflow process associated with it is changed, the workflow process can no longer track the items in the table. You can modify the modSystem database tables to correct this problem.

To recover workflow after a table name has changed

  1. In the modSystem database, open the modObjects table for the team solution, and replace the old table name with the new one in the Name column.

  2. In the SQL Server Query Analyzer, run the modProcessTable stored procedure against that solution database.

Trigger execution order is not guaranteed

In SQL Server 7.0, the order of trigger execution is not guaranteed. If you define one or more triggers for a workflow-enabled table, those triggers may interact unpredictably with the workflow triggers created on that table. For details, see Workflow Trigger Considerations.

Workflow Process pane may not refresh automatically

In the Access Workflow Designer, the Workflow Process pane may not refresh automatically when you add new main tables using the Main Table Selection wizard. Even pressing F5 for manual refresh may not refresh the pane.

To work around this problem, close and reopen the Workflow Process pane to update the pane.

Access to modwfe.log used for workflow script debugging on the server is not by default

Members of modAppOwners NT group have the permissions required to develop team solutions. However, if you are attempting to debug workflow-scripting code on the production server, you must have access to the modWFE.log, which is located in the system32 directory of the server. Typically, only users with administrator privileges have access to such files on a server.

If you must debug against a production server, contact your server administrator to grant you access to the file.