Platform SDK: Windows Clustering

RestartPeriod Property for Resources

The RestartPeriod property defines an interval of time, in milliseconds, during which a specified number of restart attempts can be made on a nonresponsive resource. The RestartThreshold property specifies the allowable number of restart attempts that can occur within the interval defined by RestartPeriod. The following table summarizes the attributes of the RestartPeriod property.

Attribute Value
Data type DWORD
Access Read/write
Minimum 0
Maximum 0xFFFFFFFF
Default 900000


When a resource fails, the Cluster service attempts to restart the resource (unless the RestartAction property is set to ClusterResourceDontRestart).

The RestartPeriod and RestartThreshold properties work together to limit restart attempts. For example, if the RestartPeriod property is set to 200 milliseconds, and the RestartThreshold property is set to two retry attempts, the Cluster service tolerates two restart failures within any 200 millisecond interval. More than two failures can occur, as long as they occur over an interval that is greater than 200 milliseconds. On the third restart failure within the 200 millisecond interval, the Cluster service considers the resource to have failed and may, depending on the RestartAction property, attempt to fail over the resource's group to another node.

After the interval defined by the RestartPeriod property is exceeded, the Cluster service resets the property to zero.

If not specified, the default value for the RestartPeriod property is 90000 milliseconds.

Example Code

The property value portion of a property list entry for RestartPeriod can be set with the following example code:

DWORD RestartPeriodData = 1800000;
CLUSPROP_DWORD RestartPeriodValue;
RestartPeriodValue.Syntax.dw = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_DWORD;
RestartPeriodValue.cbLength = sizeof(DWORD);
RestartPeriodValue.dw = RestartPeriodData;


  Version: Requires Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0 SP3; Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0 SP4; Windows 2000 Advanced Server; Windows 2000 Data Center.

See Also

CLUSPROP_DWORD, RestartAction, RestartThreshold