Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects

Jet and Replication Examples

Use these topics to learn how to use the following JRO methods.

Note   Paste the entire code example, from Sub to End Sub, into your code editor. The example may not run correctly if you use partial examples or if paragraph formatting is lost.

The Append method example demonstrates how to append a new filter to a table.

The CompactDatabase method example demonstrates how to compact and encrypt a database with the CompactDatabase method.

The CreateReplica method example demonstrates how to create a full replica with the CreateReplica method.

The MakeReplicable method example demonstrates how to create a Design Master with the MakeReplicable method.

The PopulatePartial method example demonstrates how to update a replica using the PopulatePartial method.

The RefreshCache method example demonstrates the RefreshCache method.

The Synchronize method examples demonstrate how to update changes between a Design Master and a replica with the Synchronize method; use the Synchronize method for Internet synchronization; and use the Synchronize method with direct synchronization.