Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects

GetObjectReplicability Method

See Also        Applies To

Indicates whether an object is local or replicated.


Set ReturnValue = Replica.GetObjectReplicability(ObjectName, ObjectType)

Return Value

A Boolean value indicating whether the object is replicated. In databases that have not been made replicable, this method returns True for all objects by default. True indicates that the object will be made replicable if the database is made replicable. In replicable databases, this method returns False for all new objects by default. False indicates that the object is not replicated.


ObjectName   A String value specifying the name of the object for which to retrieve the replication state.

ObjectType   A String value specifying the type of object specified by ObjectName.


The GetObjectReplicability method indicates whether the object is or will be replicated.

The ObjectName and ObjectType parameters are strings that indicate the name of the object (for example, Customers) and the object's container (for example, Tables). An error will occur if an object of that name and type does not exist in the database. An error will also occur if either of these strings is longer than 64 characters

See the SetObjectReplicability method for information on how to change an object's replicability.

An error will occur if the object specified by the ObjectName and ObjectType parameters does not exist.