Microsoft Jet and Replication Objects

Jet and Replication Properties

JRO Property Summary

Property Description
ActiveConnection Indicates the Connection object to which the Replica belongs.
ConflictFunction Indicates the name of the custom conflict resolution function to use in resolving conflicts during synchronization.
ConflictTables Specifies a Recordset containing a list of tables and associated conflict tables.
Count Indicates the number of objects in a collection.
DesignMasterId Uniquely identifies the design master in a replica set.
FilterCriteria Specifies the criteria that a record must satisfy in order to be replicated from the full replica.
FilterType Indicates the type of filter.
Item Returns a specific member of a collection by name or ordinal number.
Priority Specifies the relative priority of the replica for use during conflict resolution.
ReplicaId Uniquely identifies a database replica.
ReplicaType Indicates the type of replica.
RetentionPeriod Indicates how many days to keep replication histories.
TableName Indicates the name of the table to which the filter is applied.
Visibility Indicates the visibility of the replica: Global, Local, or Anonymous.