Platform SDK: Transaction Server

GetCLSIDs Method(ComponentUtil)

[This product will work only on Windows NT 4.0 versions and earlier. For Windows 2000 and later, see COM+ (Component Services).]

Returns an array of installable class identifiers (CLSIDs) in the component DLL and/or type library.


object.GetCLSIDs(bstrDLLFile, bstrTypeLibFile, aCLSIDs)


Required; String. A string variable that evaluates to the path of the DLL that you want checked.

Required; String. A string variable that evaluates to the path of the type library that you want checked. If the type library is embedded with the DLL (as is the case with DLLs generated by Microsoft Visual Basic), this parameter should be an empty string).

Required; Variant. An output array of CLSIDs (VARIANTS) that can be installed from the supplied DLL and/or type library.