Platform SDK: Transaction Server |
[This product will work only on Windows NT 4.0 versions and earlier. For Windows 2000 and later, see COM+ (Component Services).]
The MTS run-time environment manages threads for you. MTS components need not, and, in fact, should not, create threads. Components must never terminate a thread that calls into a DLL.
Every MTS component has a ThreadingModel Registry attribute, which you can specify when you develop the component. This attribute determines how the component's objects are assigned to threads for method execution. You can view the threading-model attribute in the MTS Explorer by clicking the Property view in the Components folder. The possible values are Single, Apartment, and Both.
Single-Threaded Components
All objects of a single-threaded component execute on the main thread. This is compatible with the default COM threading model, which is used for components that do not have a ThreadingModel Registry attribute.
The main threading model provides compatibility with COM components that are not reentrant. Because objects always execute on the main thread, method execution is serialized across all objects in the component. In fact, method execution is serialized across all components in a process that uses this policy. This allows components to use libraries that are not reentrant, but it has very limited scalability.
Single-threaded, stateful components are prone to deadlocks. You can eliminate this problem by using stateless objects and calling SetComplete before returning from any method.
The following scenario describes how such a deadlock can occur. Suppose you have a single-threaded Account component, which is written to be both transactional and stateful. The following scenario describes how two clients, Client 1 and Client 2, could call objects in a way that causes an application deadlock:
Note that this is not a deadlock from the SQL perspective because A's and B's connections are in different transactions.
Apartment-Threaded Components
Each object of an apartment-threaded component is assigned to a thread its apartment, for the life of the object; however, multiple threads can be used for multiple objects. This is a standard COM concurrency model. Each apartment is tied to a specific thread and has a Windows message pump.
The apartment threading model provides significant concurrency improvements over the main threading model. Activities determine apartment boundaries; two objects can execute concurrently as long as they are in different activities. These objects may be in the same component or in different components.
Mixed Threading Models in a Server Process
Within a server process, objects in the same activity must be registered with compatible threading models. The following combinations are valid:
Note that this means that single-threaded MTS components cannot be created by an Active Server Page running in-process with IIS or in-process with an IIS application using process isolation.