Platform SDK: Transaction Server

Creating the Bank Package

[This product will work only on Windows NT 4.0 versions and earlier. For Windows 2000 and later, see COM+ (Component Services).]

To run your component in the MTS run-time environment, you need to create a package. For this scenario, you will create a package with a single component.

A package is a collection of components that you can deploy and manage as a unit. By grouping components into packages, you define the security and process boundaries for components running on a computer. The criteria for deciding how to group components into packages require achieving the optimum balance between performance, fault isolation, and load balancing.

You will create a package called Bank that will contain the Account component.

To create the Bank package

  1. On the Start menu, point to Programs, point to Microsoft Transaction Server, and then click Transaction Server Explorer.
  2. Create a new package named Bank. In the Set Package Identity dialog box, select Interactive user.


You can use the General, Security, Advanced, Identity, and Activation tabs to configure a package. For this scenario, you will use the default settings for the package you just created.

See Also

What Does Creating a Package Mean?, Package Properties , Programming Concepts, Installing the Account Component in the Bank Package, Creating a Simple ActiveX Component