Platform SDK: Transaction Server

CreateProperty Method

[This product will work only on Windows NT 4.0 versions and earlier. For Windows 2000 and later, see COM+ (Component Services).]

Creates and returns a reference to a new SharedProperty with a specified name. If a shared property by that name already exists, CreateProperty returns a reference to the existing property.

Applies To

SharedPropertyGroup Object


Set property = propertygroup.CreateProperty(name, fExists)


An object variable that represents the SharedPropertyGroup to which the new SharedProperty object will belong.

An object variable that evaluates to a SharedProperty object.

A string expression that contains the name of the property to create. You can use this name later to obtain a reference to this property.

A Boolean value that's set to True on return from this method if the shared property specified in the name parameter existed prior to this call, and False if the property was created by this call.


When you create a shared property, its value is set to the default, which is 0.

If you create a shared property with the CreateProperty method, you can access that property only by using Property. You can't assign a numeric index to the same property and then access it by using PropertyByPosition.

The same shared property group can contain some shared property objects that are identified by name and others that are identified by position.


See Also

Sharing State, ISharedPropertyGroup::CreatePropertyByPosition Method, ISharedPropertyGroup::get_PropertyByPosition Method, ISharedPropertyGroup::get_Property Method