Platform SDK: Transaction Server

Using MTS Spy

To run MTS Spy

  1. Build MtsSpyCtl.dll and MTSSpy.exe .
  2. The MtsSpy control can be used can be used by any client, such as a Web page.
  3. Run MTSSpy.exe.
  4. If you would like to log events to a file, choose Log to File from the Options menu and specify the name of a log file.
  5. Choose Select Packages from the Spy menu. If no Transaction Server processes are running, only the System package will be available.
  6. Choose a package from the Running Packages list box.
  7. Select items from the Possible Events list box. Click the forward arrow to move events to the Current Events list box.
  8. Click Enable Events. Events in the Current Events list box will be displayed by MTS Spy.
  9. Click OK. MTS Spy will display events as they are received.

MTS Spy logs events to a SQL Server 6.5 table named "MTS Audit".