IResourceManager Interface
The resource manager uses this interface to enlist in distributed transactions. Following a failure, the resource manager uses this interface to determine the outcome of in-doubt transactions.
Implemented by: |
MS DTC proxy |
Object |
Resource manager object |
Interface Source |
Returned by the IResourceManagerFactory::Create method |
Called by: |
Resource manager |
interface IResourceManager : IUnknown
HRESULT Enlist (
[in] ITransaction * pTransaction,
[in] ITransactionResourceAsync * pRes,
[in, out] GUID * pUOW,
[out] LONG * pisoLevel,
[out] ITransactionEnlistmentAsync ** ppIEnlist);
HRESULT Reenlist (
[in] unsigned char * pPrepInfo,
[in] ULONG cbPrepInfo,
[in] ULONG ulTimeout,
[in, out] XACTSTAT * pXactStat);
HRESULT ReenlistmentComplete ();
HRESULT GetDistributedTransactionManager (
[in] REFIID riid,
[out] void ** ppIDTM);